Oops, oops, oops... I completely lied to you. Rather, my mind has changed. Dear Brandon, I'm sorry, but I may be undeniably female after all. Hahaha.
wedding bands came in the mail this past week, as expected, and it was truly thrilling.
Artisan Impact makes incredible jewelry. They were great to work with, too! The sad part - silver just doesn't look good on me. I should have known this already as it was the reason for choosing yellow gold for the engagement ring (pictured on the left side bar). Ultimately, the ring I had chosen has been sent back, and I opted for a tiny and simple gold band from
Shane Company:

They were just awesome throughout our initial ring purchasing, but I'll save that story for another time.
These photos are evidence of my initial ecstasy about receiving
wedding bands. Geez. Even though I wasn't sure I liked it yet. I guess this means I've officially become overwhelmed with the unnecessary ability to become excited about anything. Brandon and my roommate,
Whitney, have been swearing this was the case for a while, but I've been in denial.
I was just so happy. Look at all my little treasures!

Unsure but still feelin' it a little...

Brandon's band. I'm practially drooling. Leave it to Ashley to be impeccably tasteful, right?

Yeah. I like it. Why didn't mine work?

All three rings together. I thought it'd be one happy family.

It's ok though! I really like this option even better. Simplicity really is key sometimes. And a lifetime warranty can't be beat... Also, this is 14k gold versus the sterling silver of the other ring, and was only 20 more dollars. YEAH.

Engagement Ring PLUS Band. Fierce.

Ok, I need to stop blogging and start packing up my apartment now. Brandon will be in Nashville on Tuesday to lead worship for an event here at
Trevecca. He's flying in but driving a minivan back to Oklahoma City with everything that can't fit into my car.
This is really happening. Take that, world!!